Managed care

Connecting employees with quality care.

A woman working at a computer with a sling on one arm.

What we do

We provide a wide range of managed care solutions designed to streamline the process and help injured employees return to work and life as quickly and safely as possible. Sedgwick’s integrated managed care services provide a personal connection with the injured employee, beginning with the first conversation and continuing throughout their recovery. Our outcome-focused approach includes identifying top-performing providers, coordinating the claims process, and using clinicians, physicians, pharmacists and other specialists to help as injured employees recover.

Our clinical team ensures injured employees are quickly linked with the right care and resources they need.

Our team provides expert clinical solutions to help injured employees regain function and return to work quickly, along with services that help employers control costs and manage the process efficiently. We offer a comprehensive array of integrated managed care solutions tailored to each client’s specific needs and designed to produce the best possible outcomes.  

Two individuals going over a clinical consultation form.

The power of one

Sedgwick’s solutions includes comprehensive claims and managed care services that provide a personal connection with the employee, beginning with the first conversation and continuing through recovery. Our outcome-focused approach includes identifying top-performing providers, coordinating the claims process, and using clinicians, physicians, pharmacists and other specialists to help as injured employees recover. In addition, our advanced technology supports every aspect of our services. With our viaOne suite of tools, clients can analyze their claims information and run claims and managed care reports all in one place. With mySedgwick, our online self-service tool, clients can see which employees are off work at any time and injured employees can view claim details, easily update information and keep the process moving forward.

Why choose Sedgwick?

No matter what managed care options you’re seeking, we will work to design a program that streamlines workflows and makes your team’s job easier. By providing the right care and coordination solutions — from clinical case management to networks and support — along with the best treatment and cost oversight, we’re driving better outcomes for everyone involved.

Coworkers having a meeting in a conference room.

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